I'm making a couple of minor changes tonight to some of the data structures:
- adding the retweetCount field to the status class, which will report how many times it has been retweeted
- adding the retweeted field to the status class, a logical which will report if it has been retweeted.
- adding the listedCount field to the user class, which gives the number of public lists the user is part of.
- adding the followRequestSent field to the user class, which will report TRUE if that user is someone that you've sent a follow request to (provided you've used OAuth).
On the ROAuth front, Duncan Temple Lang will be taking over as maintainer. A combination of heavy interest on his part and lack of time on my part led to this - he has big plans to push it much further than it is now, integrating OAuth 2.0 and all sorts of other goodies. I believe some Google folks are in on this as well. I wish them luck :)